This site will function as a communication tool for our Essentials Class. Weekly Assignments, helpful tips and other noteworthy items will be posted for our members. Please contact Mrs. Collins at for more information.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 8 Recap & Suggested Assignments

POS - Prepositions - A preposition relates a noun or a pronoun to another word; it's always closely followed by a noun or pronoun (called the object of the preposition) - they can often be confused with adverbs - JUST REMEMBER - prepositions ALWAYS HAVE AN OBJECT - ADVERBS STAND ALONE.

Today we learned a bit more about prepositions and prepositional phrases. Once we have the prepositions memorized, locating them in a sentence will be a piece of cake, right?!

Once we locate the prepositions, our next task is to find the nouns or pronouns that follow it. We refer to those nouns/pronouns as the "object of a preposition."

Next, we must determine what word in the sentence the prepositional phrase modifies. If it describes a noun, then the phrase is adjectival. If it answers, "Where?Why?How?When?Condition?Reason?" then we declare it an adverbial phrase! Our Question Confirmation and knowledge of the parts of speech enable us to make those decisions. Furthermore, because we are great grammarians, we will also know that it is a PHRASE and not a clause because phrases don't contain a subject and a verb. (You should be beginning to see why learning the "grammar of grammar" is so important!)
The only task that remains is to diagram the phrase. We would place the prepositional phrase beneath the word it modifies, in the same way we would list an adjective or adverb. Phrases are to be diagrammed slightly differently:
Any modifiers will be placed under the Object of Preposition on a diagonal line, as usual.
We also spent some time reviewing the difference between compound sentences and compound verbs, compound subjects, compound direct objects.

We are mighty grammar warriors!!!
*Flex those muscles!*
We will continue to practice working with compound parts of speech and compound sentence structure. It is important to solidify the difference, so that you will be able to tackle more complex sentences with ease. In other words, "Master it, we shall!"

We also touched on gerunds & infinitives, how they are used in sentences & how to diagram them.  GOOD JOB ON THIS ADVANCED SUBJECT!!

Our sentence for this week is:  Compound, Interrogative, S-Vt-DO
EEL Model Sentence:   Does Jesus love me and does He love you?

Remember what makes a sentence interrogative (besides the "?"):

Inflected voice?:     Jesus loves me and he loves you?
Interrogative Pronoun?:     Who loves me and who loves you?
Helping verb (like our model sentence)?:     Does Jesus love me and does he love you?

We labeled and diagrammed sentences with prepositional phrases, figuring out if our prepositional phrase was being used as an adjective or adverb.  Nice work!

Today we took notes for our last 2 paragraphs. Then we played vocab hangman.  Keep studying! :)

Mastery Charts to be Completed: Chart I Prepositions
Corresponding OMT Lessons: 6, 16,19 & 21

As always, continue to review those previous mastery charts.  Those you've mastered just do once a week as a refresher.  Those you haven't mastered, do a few times a week.  Have your parent test you to see how you're doing!

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE 1:  Recite all the prepositions (challenge will be worth 5 points) - You'll do this with your parent @ home (Parent Note: Scaling option: for 2nd/3rd year - have them memorize the right hand section of mastery chart where it lists 2 or more words that can act as prepositions)

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE 2:  locate 5 prepositional phrases in whatever book you're reading this week. Write down the sentences, identify the prepositional phrase & label whether the PP is adjectival or adverbial. (5 points for the assignment) - Give sentences to your parent (PARENT NOTE: Scaling options: For younger/newer students - if your child is not diagramming just have them identify the prepositional phrase)

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE 3:  Complete (according to parent instruction) sentences emailed to your parents.    (5 points for the assignment) (PARENT NOTE: Scaling options: Younger/newer student - can just label or even just identify subject & verb; older/2nd-3rd year student - don't give them the diagram just the sentences for extra challenge).

1. Cut out & learn lesson 6 vocab.

Re-read sample critique papers in History Based Writing Lessons book & TWSS.  Then draft your 3rd and 4th paragraph.

Highlight all verbs in 1 color & nouns in another.  Using your SRN & thesaurus, replace lame verbs with powerful action verbs.  Add description to those nouns.  Remember 5 sense words (also in SRN). Make your paper come alive!!

Continue to revise all paragraphs adding those stylistic tools.  Look over your paper - do you have words that have been repeated too often (if so, find a replacement word), have you eliminated as many to be verbs as possible, do your adjective appropriately describe the nouns?  Review to make sure each paragraph has the required elements (see Critique Model paper & outline in lesson).

Read your paper to a family me member for feedback.  Make necessary changes and bring your final into class.
REMEMBER - DO NOT USE "I" OR "YOU" in your paper.

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