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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 9 Recap & Suggested Assignments

A BIG thank you to Mrs. Autry for filling in for me today!!!!  I'm sorry to have missed the new sentence pattern and part of speech!


POS - Linking Verbs - makes an assertion by joining 2 words - renames or replaces subject with a predicate noun or describes the subject with a predicate adjective; Linking verbs are not action verbs - they are referred to as "state-of-being verbs"

LINKING VERBS are easy to remember because the name "Linking Verb" actually describes their action in a sentence! 

We'll know a linking verb on sight by using several methods:

#1. Learning the definition: 
LINKING VERB links (or joins) two words by renaming a subject with a Predicate Noun or by describing the subject with a Predicate Adjective. 

#2: Memorizing the list:
am; are; is; was; were; be; being; been; feel; become; remain; taste; seem; appear; look; sound; stay; smell; grow

#3. Applying that knowledge to our sentence confirmation:
"Can the noun or pronoun that follows the verb replace/rename the subject?"

If so, then we label the verb linking, and mark the noun or pronoun as a PN. (Predicate Noun)

Sentence:  Compound, Declarative, S-VL-PN
EEL Model Sentence: Jesus is God, and He is King.

Pursuant to our goal to discern the difference between a compound sentence structure and compound parts of speech, we continue to practice labeling and diagramming sentences.

In order for a sentence to be classified with a COMPOUND SENTENCE STRUCTURE, there must be present 2 or more INDEPENDENT CLAUSES.

Compound sentence check:
Find the conjunction. Look to the left and right of it to determine if there is 1 complete subject and 1 complete verb on either side of that conjunction. (A compound sentence contains 2 or more independent clauses.)
       S        VL  A  PN   C      S      VL  A   PN
Swimming   is   a sport and knitting  is   a   hobby.  Compound, Declarative, S-VL-PN

You and he are actors and writers.  Simple, Declarative, S-VL-PN (Compound subjects & PNs)

We looked at how to diagram our new sentence pattern.

We SLANT the line preceding the Predicate Nominative TOWARD the subject as a visual reminder that it has either renamed or replaced the subject.

Lesson 6 Ancient History Based Writing Lessons.  We will be learning how to write a report & today's focus is on topic sentences & clinchers for each paragraph.  We learned to note take from a source that is 3 paragraphs long, focusing on 7 facts that you find most interesting.

Mastery Charts to be completed:
Review Chart C - Linking Verbs (memorize!!!) & D
Chart K (older/2nd-3rd yr students)
Corresponding OMT Lessons 2,23,42

Review past mastery charts to refresh & review.

SWEET TREAT ALERT!!  For a sweet treat label, diagram & classify (purpose, pattern etc) the sentence:
Who's the lady with the basket?  

For another sweet treat memorize the linking verbs!!  (You'll say these for your parents)

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE:  Write 5 compound sentences using our new sentence pattern S-VL-PN.  Add a prepositional phrase to each sentence.  10 points for the challenge (Parent Note:  For older/2nd-3rd yr student have them quid et quo 1 or all sentences; Scale for younger student - omit prepositional phrase.)

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE:  Diagram the sentences emailed to parents.  5 point for the challenge (Parent Note: For older/2nd-3rd yr student have them complete the sheet w/out the diagram; Scale for younger student - just label sentence and/or diagram subject & verb only)

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE: Complete the Week 9 Add'l Challenge Sentences.  5 points for the challenge

1.  Cut out & learn lesson 7 vocabulary.

This week you'll be writing the 1st of 3 paragraphs for our report about the wonders of Ancient Egypt.  Complete your KWO & draft your paragraph. Be sure you have a clear topic sentence and that you end your paragraph with a clincher statement that reflects or restates words from your topic sentence.  Highlight all verbs in your paragraph.

Revise and edit your paragraph - making you have STRONG ACTION verbs &  as few "to be" verbs as possible. Also add those quality adjectives - remember to make sure they are appropriately describing your nouns & add meaning/clarity to your paragraph.  

Take our your paper and read it to a family member - do you have a  CLEAR topic sentence & clincher.  Have you added all those stylistic techniques to real jazz it up?

You should be working on your revisions each day as writing is a process.  Perfect it starting with all the verbs in your paragraph, moving next to adjectives, then stylistic techniques etc.  

Next week we'll be working in lesson 7 adding the remaining 2 paragraphs to our report.

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