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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 18 Recap & Suggested Assignments

Sentence Structure: Complex  Sentence Purpose: Imperative  Sentence Pattern: S-Vt-DO-OCN & OCA

Our sentence purpose this week is Imperative - so remember - there's always an implied subject pronoun  (you).

Today we looked at some imperative S-Vt-DO-OCN & OCA sentences - 1 really tricky one!  Good job on dissecting that sentence as usual.  Remember - anything is possible (AS LONG AS YOU USE THE QUESTION CONFIRMATION!)


Mastery Charts to be completed:
A, M, N

Keep practicing those previous charts - practice makes perfect!!

We're going to be reviewing verbs next week, so be sure to review those verb anatomies & the verb papers I handed out earlier in the year.  Brush up on verb definition, types, principal parts, tense, person, number, voice & mood!  You may be asked to identify verbs in a sentence or paragraph & do the Quid et Quo.

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE:  Come up with 2 sentence for each pattern that we've learned, 1 should be compound and 1 complex.  Try to include 1 quality adjective, 1 adverb & 1 prepositional phrase. (total of 14 sentences).  Bring your sentences to class - if we have time we'll read a few sentences.  Keep the sentences in your binder (don't throw them away.) 10 points

SWEET TREAT - be able to tell me the definition of a complex sentence (our new structure for next week) 

1.  Cut out & learn Lesson 13 vocab

Bring in the drafts of your Faces of History reports.  We'll have peer review to help you begin to revise!

Study up on those IEW terms - if we have time next week we'll play a few games.  This would include naming or giving examples of types of stylistic techniques (dress-ups, openers etc - so review your parents TWSS binder); reciting the story sequence chart; what elements belong in an intro & conclusion paragraph, what is a thesis statement - all the info we've covered etc.

You'll be continuing on your Faces of History reports this week.  Work with your Domestic Goddess to get a schedule that works for you (I listed a sample below).  We'll be reading our reports in week 20 so keep yourself on track & give yourself time for those needed revisions.  Also, be thinking about what "props" or costumes you'll be using to represent your famous person.

Hopefully you have your topic paragraphs drafted (if not start with finishing those).  Remember the structure of each paragraph we went over today - be sure to review yours and make sure you have what you need!  **Be sure to have a clear topic sentence for each paragraph & clincher 

Sample writing schedule:
Wednesday - KWO intro paragraph & draft (sample on p 120 & outline form on p 121)
Thursday - KWO conclusion paragraph & draft (sample on p 120 & outline form on p 121)
Friday Go back through all paragraphs and begin to edit & revise.  Have you eliminated as many "to be verbs"as possible (remember, "ed" & "ing" openers are a good way to eliminate those unwanted verbs)  Have you put your own style into your report using all the stylistic techniques you've learned (check your parents TWSS for advanced techniques to try out)  Look for 5 sense adjective & verbs you can use to help your reader see your verbal canvas! (all these can be found in that oh so wonderful SRN!)
Monday Continue to revise (remember what I said earlier?? WRITING IS A PROCESS).  Read your paper to a family member.  Can they identify your topics?  Did they hear your topics stated in the first sentence of the paragraph? Does your paper "flow" from paragraph to paragraph using transition words?

**Also - look in your SRN for transition words like "as well as" or "in addition to" - these can help you avoid repetition and common conjunctions like "and".  (i.e.  King George governed the colonists unfairly and he taxed them without representation.   - King George governed the colonists unfairly as well as taxing them without representation.)

**Try converting those "to be" verbs into "ing" or "ed" verbs (i.e. The colonists were angry and wanted freedom.   - Burning with resentment , the colonists longed for freedom.  The crow was deceived by the fox and he was mad - Deceived by the crow, the foxed burned with humiliation. )

**Be sure to have your SRN out when you are revising.  This is an invaluable tool!!!

Parent Corner:
Please adjust the writing schedule as needed to suit your child & family schedule.

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