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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 14 Recap & Suggested Assignments

Sentence Structure: Complex    Sentence Purpose: Imperative     Sentence Pattern: S-Vt-IO-DO

EEL Model Sentence: Make me a crown when I give you my heart.

Remember that when we have an imperative sentence the verb mood (the way a verb expresses action) changes (we've been in the indicative mood) to the imperative mood and we are always in the 2nd person in English. 
Verb Mood:
Indicative: most commonly used & is found in declarative & interrogative sentences
Imperative: found in imperative sentences (states command or request but may imply a sense of uncertainty
Subjunctive: used to imply a condition

Verbs - Active or Passive
When are verbs are in the ACTIVE voice - the subject is performing the action.    My dog loves me.
When we change the verb to PASSIVE voice the subject is the receiver of the action.  Our direct object becomes the subject. The passive voice uses the past participle part of a verb and a conjugated form of "to be".   I am being loved by my dog.
Studying the verb anatomy charts will help in this area, so study up!

The boy batted the ball.  ACTIVE              The ball was batted by the boy.  PASSIVE
I waked my dog.  ACTIVE                         My dog was walked by me.  PASSIVE
She wrote a letter.   ACTIVE                      The letter was written by her.  PASSIVE
Tom painted the fence.    ACTIVE              The fence was painted by Tom.   PASSIVE

ACTIVE VOICE                                                         


Diagramming S-Vt-IO-DO imperative, complex sentences (Remember the clause will be "connected" to your verb or noun depending on whether it's adjectival or adverbial).
Before you play that game, make us dinner. (adverbial clause)

(You) | make | us | dinner
         |   :
  before  :
  you |  play | game
        |              \ that

Give all of the people, who read, a book. (adjectival clause)

(You) | give | all | book
         |            :   \of
                      :    \    people
                      :              \the
                   who | read

Lesson 15.  Today we started our mini-research paper.  We talked about when using 2 source texts, you must first review each and list the topics discussed, pick your topics, then KWO each source.  Once you KWO each source you fuse those into 1 outline for the paragraph. In class we we looked at the 2 sources on p. 110-111, chose our topics from each. We picked 3 topics and completed a KWO for that topic from each source.  We then fused those 2 outlines into 1 source (p112).  

Mastery Charts to be Completed:
Review: A, E, H, I, L, M (and of course any others you haven't mastered)

Corresponding OMT Lessons: 22, 40
GRAMMAR CHALLENGE:  Complete Week 14 Sentences (emailed to parents).  5 points

GRAMMAR CHALLENGE:  Complete Crossword (emailed to parents)   5 points

1.  Cut out & learn lesson 11 vocab

Before beginning read over with your parent Lesson 15 (all the way to p. 118)WEDNESDAY
Since we completed our KWO in class, draft your first paragraph.  Be sure to draft your introductory sentence which tells what the paragraph is about and your clincher (which reflects words from your intro sentence - or "sums" up your paragraph).  For those students who are completing 2 or more paragraphs, repeat the steps from class for your 2nd topic (KWO each source - only on that paragraph topic - then fuse those KWOs into 1 outline p114).


Draft your 2nd topic paragraph. **IF you are only completing 1 paragraph, begin to revise & edit.  REMEMBER TO ELIMINATE THOSE PESTY TO BE VERBS :)

For those students who are completing 3  paragraphs, repeat the steps from today for your 3rd topic (KWO each source - only on that paragraph topic - then fuse those KWOs into 1 outline p116). **IF you are only completing 1-2 paragraph, begin or continue to revise & edit.  

Draft your 3rd paragraph.

Bring your drafts in Tuesday.

***You'll need to pick a person for your Faces of History report.  You'll want to start gathering books & information on that person as we will be starting those around week 18. (week 17 you'll give a very brief presentation on your subject)  Helen of Troy has been chosen -   Please email me as soon as you have chosen someone.  Thanks!

Parent Corner:

Just a reminder to scale this lesson accordingly as we discussed in class.

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